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Family Dentistry in Woodstock, ON

Sunshine & Smile Package

For New Patients you can get a Free In-Office Whitening or a Free Electronic Toothbrush.

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Your Trusted Dental Care Team

Invest in your smile with comprehensive family dentistry services in Woodstock, ON. At North Woodstock Dentistry, we go beyond crafting beautiful smiles, prioritizing your oral health and comfort. We strive to build a foundation of trust in our welcoming environment that combines compassion and innovation to promote dental excellence for our patients.

Our Personalized Approach to Happy Smiles

At North Woodstock Dentistry, we lead with your well-being and comfort above all else. We believe that a beautiful smile is the cornerstone of optimal oral health. That’s why we accept new patients and same-day emergencies. We redefine the dental experience, blending personalized care and state-of-the-art technologies with a warm, inviting atmosphere.

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Our Exceptional Team

Applying the highest standards of dental care, our exceptional team contributes to the success of our practice. Our dental care team goes beyond fixing teeth. We treat the root cause while identifying individualized ways to boost your oral health and happiness, encouraging open communication, and keeping you involved with your treatment plan to foster a positive experience.

dentistry chair

Comprehensive Dentistry Services

Experience dental care like never before with our experienced team of highly skilled and compassionate professionals. We serve as your guide throughout every stage of your dental journey, with services including:

North woodstock dentistry building front

The North Woodstock Dentistry Difference

We pride ourselves on taking a patient-centric approach to dentistry. Promoting a stress-free experience, we embrace cutting-edge technology and innovation to secure precise and efficient treatments, with additional advantages include:

  • We bill directly to insurance
  • Same-day emergency appointments
  • Free take-home whitening kits for new patients
  • Quality care for the whole family

Encouraging Sustainable Oral Health

We understand the anxiety that can come from visiting the dentist for both children and adults. For this reason, we are proud to offer nitrous oxide sedation as we know the anxiety that can come from dental treatment. We go a step further by placing focus on education as we explain each facet of your treatment. By ensuring our patients are informed, they can better understand their options and needs, encouraging sustainable oral health and a happy smile.


Where to Find Us

Located in Woodstock between Oxford Road 4 and Hwy 59. Serving the North Woodstock and surrounding Oxford County community. Our friendly and relaxed atmosphere is sure to please.

870 Queenston Blvd
Woodstock, ON N4T 0M4


Monday: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Tuesday: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Wednesday: 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Thursday: 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Friday: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM